5 Weeks to Your Best Sales Year Ever

Ready to level up your sales game?

I've spent years of my life studying what top salespeople do differently to consistently win. And it's paid off as I've achieved:
—#1 Account Executive: 4 Times 
—13x President's Club Winner
—$42M TCV Sold in 3 years
—$16M an 8:Figure Mega-Deal  

Now, I want to teach you how to crush your goals and live your dreams. I've combined the best strategies, habits and actionable tips I've used over the years and put them into Sales Rocket Fuel—a high-impact, high-energy class designed to help you have your best sales year ever.

Over 5 interactive & actionable sessions, you'll level up your sales skills, set motivating professional and personal goals, build powerful habits yielding huge results, and up your game throughout the entire sales process. Each class includes action items driving immediate, lasting results.

Sign up for Sales Rocket Fuel and crush your goals!

Results Driven
B2B Sales Training

All training materials have been field tested and are designed to deliver maximum ROI for B2B sales professionals

Weekly Training Sessions

This course is made up of 5 recorded training sessions with approx 8 hours of content (designed to be watched 1 / week for 5 weeks).

They are filled with interactive action items and a recap so you’ll level up each week. 

Driven for success

B2B sales focused for those willing to take action each week. Making improvement takes work & requires you to try things. Willing to ask questions & are willing to provide feedback. And of course…have a deep desire to crush quota & dramatically increase your income.

4x, #1 Account Exec AWARD WINNER

I’m a 13x top sales award winner 

I’ve achieved record performance as the #1 Account Executive – 4 different times & with 13 years on Club / top 20%.

I started in Inside sales & advanced through Fortune 500 Accounts including PepsiCo, growing my income by 14x. Selling over $42M TCV in software sold in 2020-2022. Learn tips, techniques and habits to have your best sales year ever!

This is the class I wish I had 15 years ago, as it would have saved me years. I’ve spent hundreds of hours building a class that has helped people consistently get results that get them to the next level. 

I live in Chicago suburbs with my wife & 2 kids.  I love traveling, music, working out, non-fiction books / self-improvement, video games, helping others win & crushing goals!

Here’s the Sales Rocket Fuel formula for success: each week, take an in-depth look at one part of your business, commit new habits, implement action items that drive results. 

I want in. Sign me up!

You’ll write out your professional and personal goals with actionable steps and a proven framework to build consistent habits to get lasting results. 

Warning: small habits & consistent action lead to big results! 

We’ll cover success mindset & start leveling up your sales process.

Clarity in defining your goals will light a fire in you to live out your dreams! 


Want to see how I helped a friend get a yes from Mark Cuban?

We’ll cover prospecting tips to get more meetings & reach more C-Level executives,  build your territory & focus on the right accounts.   

Previous Sales Rocket Fuel students are reaching executives for the biggest meetings of their lives. 


Ask powerful discovery questions & help your clients crush their goals (not just solve their pains, you’ve heard that 100x already).

Have deeper conversations & more engaging conversations.  

Create compelling, high-impact presentations that engage and educate your customers. Craft a story with strong ROI that wows them!


Can you create raving fans who love working with you? 

We’ll cover tips to build genuinely meaningful, memorable client relationships & happy customers.

Learn about the Power of Moments & how to create them.

We’ll cover multiple tips on pricing psychology & positioning to make your big proposals a no-brainer!


One of the fastest ways to level up your skills in sales is to learn what the top Account Executives are doing & replicate it. We’ll discuss tips to effectively network & surround yourself with winners. 

We cover a variety of other hot topics: 
-Sales Minimalism (for max results)
-Focus, prioritize & eliminate distractions
-Managing yourself (easier said than done!)
-Keeping the torch burning for a lifetime of success 


Hear how Sales Rocket Fuel helped these graduates level up!

“Working with Chris has been a life-changing experience. By implementing his annual and monthly goal systems, I have been able to achieve remarkable results both in my personal and professional life.

In just four years, my annual corporate sales income has tripled, and I have been able to build not one, but two successful businesses (one has an 8-figure portfolio under management).

None of this would have been possible without the guidance and expertise Chris has given me. His coaching style is practical, focused, and results-oriented, which has helped me to stay motivated and consistently achieve my goals. I highly recommend Sales Rocket Fuel to anyone who is looking to take their sales career or business to the next level.

James Quid

Global Account Director and Founder

Sales Rocket Fuel was one of the most valuable things I’ve done, if not the most valuable thing I’ve ever done for my career.

I believe this class can add $2M in earnings over the course of my career and was game changing & very different from any other class I’ve taken.

If you executed the plans Chris provides consistently and over time, you would have no qualms about paying Chris 400x+ more than the class costs for the information, inspiration, and execution modeling he provides. We are at such a position of high leverage as sellers, we are able to apply concepts that drastically change our financial outcomes.”

Absolutely loved the class & have recommended it to hundreds of others!

Kevin Cherrick

Account Executive

Chris’s Sales Rocket Fuel Course is a master class in sales. He’s taken the best tips from his highly successful career and giving it back to us all. These sessions are GOLD.

Even though I was a high performer with 10 years of experience at top-tier sales organizations with top-tier sellers, including Salesforce and AWS and now Snorkel AI, I still got a ton of value from the class.

It’s inspiring. It’s actionable. And it’s different from anything you’ve probably seen because it’s hand-crafted by Chris. He breaks down his systems step-by-step for high performance throughout the sales process. Which were so jam-packed with richness that it was clear we were getting years and years of lessons condensed and organized into a few weeks filled with countless golden nuggets that absolutely blew me away, and inspired me to be a better seller and continue refining my craft. 

I’ve been able to close more deals & increase the ACV of my deals. I’m more confident.  Go Sales Rocket Fuel, go sign up now! 

Karl Schutz

Enterprise Account Executive

Coming from an IT leadership background with no sales experience I was able to grow my own company from $0 to $2M in my first year in business using the process that I learned from Sales Rocket Fuel. We’ve built our whole sales playbook from what we’ve learned from Chris and this program. It’s also given me the confidence & mindset to succeed.

Chris is awesome and so is Sales Rocket Fuel! You’ll never regret the five weeks you spend learning systems and techniques to achieve your best sales year ever – I definitely did!

Kyle Pott

Co-founder & Senior Managing Partner, Decise

I loved all the weeks.  Amazing material & lessons on selling, productivity and getting the most out of life. I love how you stress setting big goals and taking small steps to get there. It’s an incredibly powerful mindset that I’ve been implementing ever since you shared it with me. Exactly what I needed!  Very motivational especially with the constant focus on big goals. Easily could be a $2,000+ course!

John Ambrosino

Regional Sales Manager

We’ve had a lot more leads the last 3-4 weeks. We’re having deeper & more engaging conversations. Almost immediately they feel like we’re connecting on a different level. It gave my confidence a real boost to try new tactics when pitching new business. I’m getting more testimonials & applying the goal setting and habit building tips to both my professional and personal life.

Jonathan Georger

CEO & Partner

It was worth the money on the
first day alone!  I’ve become consistently organized day after day, eating the frog & using unconventional tactics to increase “yes’s to discovery calls.  I feel like I will set a personal best in sales this year thanks to this class!

Craig Hayden
Account Executive

Creating proof of success was the highest value for me because it helped me realize we have an education piece that we need to help companies to better understand our value. I’ve been able to create accountability and a goal system. 

Kingsong Chen


I’ve learned more from you about selling software than I have from everyone else combined.

Thanks so much Chris for your guidance!  I wouldn’t have gotten promoted to AE without your guidance and mentorship!

Jake Mancewicz

Business Development Executive Promoted to Account Executive

This program was very helpful.  I ate up knowing how you operate as a salesperson & top achiever. I’m asking better discovery questions and using more social proof. I love how you go about presentations using social proof & messaging that stands out. I’ve printed our your sheets to keep track of my goals. Coming across this type of learning has such long-term value and it’s encouraging to have learned all of these tips to accelerate my own sales mastery.

Dustin Chan
Account Executive

This class is awesome & has been a homerun for me. You have something special here. It’s given me clarity about my goals and focus day to day. You’ve helped me improve my mindset and sharpen my sales skills.

It’s especially helped me a ton with prospecting and discovery. I landed one of the biggest meetings of my life with a CMO of a huge company using the format you showed us & we have a $500K-$700K deal on the table now. I really appreciate the level up mentality and have been retraining my brain to think bigger. 

Also last week I had the largest pitch of my life, $8.4M and it couldn’t have gone better. They are carving out a multi-million dollar budget for us. Definitely got a huge boost from Sales Rocket Fuel!”

Jake Venchus

Enterprise AE

Having sold over $50+ million to large enterprise clients over the last decade I am generally skeptical of sales training classes as I’ve been through a slew.

Sales Rocket Fuel meticulously cultivates the best frameworks from what really works in modern day selling to provide a beautiful organization of ideas and concepts to arm you with a genuine yet deadly toolset to draw from.

From entry level through enterprise & strategic sales or for business owners, this course will have a multiplicative impact on your sales and sales career if you apply even just a few of the concepts.

I’d highly recommend signing up for the course & it’s so loaded with valuable tips that you’ll want to watch it over and over again. It might help you hit 270% of your quota! 

Marcin Gamza

Strategic Account Lead

I reached out to a CEO using Chris’s 3 Points of Connection framework and booked the meeting. I’m better set up for this meeting than any other meeting I’ve done!

Nate Kaemingk


Sales Rocket Fuel is extremely motivating! I leave each class with takeaways and action items, but I also know I can dig into the session recordings and supplementary content (which is dense!). I’m excited for future lessons—it’s inspiring!

Jen Musbach

Enterprise Account Executive

I wasn’t sure if I should sign up, but I’m really glad I did. This class paid for itself literally 75x over during the time I took this class alone.

It changed my trajectory a million times in the long term.

I’ve been in sales for 25 years and still learned so many useful things!

Kevin Drolet

Former Strategic AE –
Business Owner / Fractional CMO

“You don’t rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” – James Clear.

Chris has better habits/systems than any rep I’ve ever met. I just finished his SALES ROCKET FUEL masterclass.

It. Was. Epic.

We were getting years of experience / lessons as a top performing AE over and over condensed down into 5 sessions. 

I truly believe you’re the best kept secret right now.

James Thompson

Strategic Account Executive
& Founder SaaS Sales Society

I was able to absorb 15 years or so of software sales knowledge in 5 weeks.

The biggest thing I got out of this course was a clear understanding of the small actions that are necessary to compound into big results. The sales strategies and techniques provided me with new ideas of things to try in my own sales journey.

This course added more arrows to my sales quiver and I feel better prepared to navigate increasingly complex deals.The biggest thing for me after this course are the habits and mindset I have developed that will help me be successful in sales.

If someone wants to accelerate their skill set in sales and open up their mind to new ideas to help them succeed, this class is extremely helpful. It’s packed with your experiences and tactics that have made you successful and learning about your journey and where you are is one heck of a motivator.

Alex Backart

Account Executive

Genius leaves clues and Chris achieving President’s Club 13 out of 15 years is not luck, it’s an approach that works.

The biggest impact has been a shift in my mindset in regards to only focusing on what will get me closer to my goals and how I treat people.

No one cares more about your success more than Chris. He inspires me to treat my clients the way he treats his students!
I’m also grateful for the educational and supportive community he is creating.

Sara Watchorn

Account Executive

I was totally blown away by how quickly I’d see results. Already seen an impact on my personal discipline and ability to set and accomplish goals step by step, and more clarity on what I want to do.

I have more guts to push boundaries, become daringly comfortable with reaching out.  

I highly recommend doing Sales Rocket Fuel, don’t hesitate, go do this!

Bohdan Hrytsak

Join us & take your sales to next level!

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Graduates of Sales Rocket Fuel are lighting the world on fire.


happy clients

SALES awards

Grow your income, grow your career.

Spaces are limited. Sign up now. 

Contact Me

Questions or feedback?  

Also please contact me for 1:1 Coaching, or Coaching for your team.